Cranium Insanium

Cranium Insanium

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Team Meeting 20/10

     Our robot is having issues!  We were looking forward to another day of programming, but just as we got started... the robot started to wiggle.  Okay, no big deal, the robot wiggles a little bit, right?  WRONG.  It completely destroyed our robot's accuracy, so that more often than not it would crash into either the goal or the "bad cells".  The problem seems to be that the robot's axles are bending a little bit, and our drag wheel is amplifying the problem.  We ended spending most of the time working on the drag wheel, because we really don't want to have to build a new base.  We might have to, though...
     On a more positive note, we succeeded in the rug challenge with a 100% survival rate (although we did have to resurrect one team member twice)!  We also devised a method for escaping from a desert island with three straws, three pipe cleaners, two cups, a couple sticky labels, two paper plates, and a sheet of newspaper.  Our plan: Stretch one pipe cleaner between two palm trees (represented by straws with pipe cleaners stuck in the ends) to form a catapult.  The escapee is catapulted into a teleportation device (a Styrofoam cup with a satellite dish) which teleports them into a newspaper boat.  Then, sail home!  Perfect!  Except the test subject died a few weeks later due to the combined effects of a concussion from the catapult, residual radiation from the teleporter, and a severe lack of food and water.  Oh well.

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