Cranium Insanium

Cranium Insanium

Monday, October 25, 2010

Team Meeting 10/24

     The robot is now working enough for us to really start to program.  We entirely removed the drag wheel in favor of a set of skids, and the wiggle almost entirely disappeared.  We almost have the robot to the far end of the table for one run, and are working on adjusting the second mission so that the stent won't run into the mechanical hand when we activate it.  Looks like we're finally on track, although I've said that before.
     We also demonstrated a machine of our own creation to a board of parents.  The catch: We are the machine.  So, we delegated parts (Lighter, fuse, gunpowder, boulder, building) and put on a performance complete with sound effects [sssssssssBOOM].  We also had to explain what our individual parts in the machine were and why they were important.  For example, "I'm a building and I'm important because when I get hit by the boulder I fall over and squash things,".  We received full marks, plus extra points for blowing things up.


1 comment:

  1. Good work you guys. I know the robot design part has been brutal, and more changes are in store. It's all good though and I'm really happy with how you are now able to work together.

    The giant elephant still in the room is our unique solution to the bone problem.
