Cranium Insanium

Cranium Insanium

Monday, October 11, 2010

Team Meeting 10/10

          This meeting was pretty productive.  First of all, we worked on the order we're going to complete the missions in and which ones we're going to do in the same "run" (a single period between the robot leaving and entering base).  We're doing a long run near base and two long runs on the far end of the table, and possibly some short ones in between (If you don't know what base is, then that means you haven't read the rules).
          We finally got the forklift to work!  We ended up using this design, with a few modifications.  Two robots set up, and another may be on the way!
          After we established that, we worked on our project.  New idea for rattan bones: pre-grow the rattan in the general shape of a bone.  Interesting...
          Altogether, a great meeting!  Let's keep it up!



  1. Dear Blake, Kelly Makaya, and Carter,
    I'm _very_ impressed with your project and research! This sounds like so much fun--wish I could be there to see it in person!
    I'm confused about one thing, though. Why do you talk about robots (in the plural) when the rules state that you can only have one in the tournament? What roles do your other robots have? Or are they just for project development rather than the eventual competition? I apologize if I've completely misunderstood the rules and what you're doing at this point.
    Your idea of using a rattan frame in the share of a bone is a very good one. I read some research about medical research that's being done now using a framework (I think they call it an "armature"--like in sculpture)on which the biologists are growing hearts. What I remember is that they add stem cells to the armature that's shaped like a heart and the stem cells grow into a new heart. I might have that wrong, but that's what I remember. If you're interested, I'll try to get you a reference to that research.
    Love to all, Grammy

  2. Hi! Good question. The second robot is just so different groups can set up different runs at the same time.
