Cranium Insanium

Cranium Insanium

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

FLL Tournament

Okay, we actually got second place.  But what really matters is, we get to go to state!
Our first robot game had several problems, the biggest being that our program to deliver the pacemaker and heart patch to the heart was lined up incorrectly, and we wasted too much time on attempting it again (unsuccessfully) that we didn't have time for our last run.  In both the first and second robot games, we got 80 points.  In the third game, however, we successfully delivered the heart patch and pacemaker and completed the robot sensitivity mission, which we had not had time for in the previous missions.  Our score for the third robot game was 150 points, and there were a few problems with it that can easily be fixed to increase our score by about 20 points, especially the nerve mapping mission, which we missed at the competition.


  1. CONGRATULATIONS, that so terrific, you guys!!! When is State? I bet you'll have everything ironed out and you'll blow them away!
